Tepeyac - Inspiring health, wellbeing, and humanity in our community, through all of life’s stages.
Letter from the CEO
Dear Tepeyac Community Health Center Supporters,
I am pleased to share with you our 2021 Annual Report highlighting the life-saving work of our incredibly dedicated staff, along with the many donors who have made our work possible. Thanks to your support, we are able to provide equitable and affordable medical, behavioral, and dental healthcare to Tepeyac’s patients, the majority of whom have no health insurance at all.
In 2021, Tepeyac’s staff continued our comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic and, with the support of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, was able to launch a major door to door campaign in the Globeville, Elyria and Swansea (GES) neighborhoods. As result of this campaign, we distributed information about COVID-19 to more then 7,000 homes in the GES and surrounding neighborhoods, ensuring that our community members received accurate information and were able to access the COVID vaccine at our clinic or at one of the many vaccine clinics that we co-hosted in partnership with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
I am also pleased to share that work continues on our building project for our new clinical facility, which will feature a pharmacy, 20 medical exam rooms, six dental operatories, two procedure rooms, nine counseling and therapy rooms, dedicated space for art and play therapy, a group therapy room, and a large community room.
On behalf of the patients we serve, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our steadfast friends and supporters, including the many foundations, government agencies and community partners who share our unwavering commitment to the mission and vision of Tepeyac Community Health Center!
Muchísimas Gracias,
Chief Executive Officer
Tepeyac Community Health Center
Our History
Shifting from Clinica Tepeyac to Tepeyac Community Health Center was more than just a name change. While Clinica Tepeyac reminds us where it all began, Tepeyac Community Health Center represents how far we have come and the exciting changes with a whole new building, new programs, new services and more tools available for our patients and the community.
To learn more about the beginnings of Clínica Tepeyac, take a look at this video and hear from Jim Garcia, President & CEO.
Our Vision
We envision a healthy community with access to regular and ongoing health care. As we expand our reach and bring cultural competency into the community, we strive for exceptional, trustworthy care that empowers our patients, decreases routine visits to emergency rooms, and creates healthier families overall.
Our Mission
Inspire health, well-being, and humanity in our community, through all of life’s stages.
Click on image to view larger
Our Services
Tepeyac patients have access to a number of high-quality, evidence-based programs to support their health and wellness, including:
Children’s Health
Pregnancy & Women’s Health
Men’s Health
Dental Care
Preventative care: annual adult and pediatric exams including bone density screening; immunizations; mammograms through the St. Joseph Hospital Mammography Van, STI (sexually transmitted infections), and pregnancy testing
Managed diabetes care including: a health coach, discounted medication, diabetes management classes, exercise & healthy cooking classes, and patient navigation
Personal health coaching: Individualized health plans and ongoing support to promote patient activation (i.e., the skills, knowledge and confidence patients need to manage their health)
HIV/AIDS managed care
Referrals for specialty care at reduced costs
Screening and enrollment for Medicaid, including presumptive eligibility, and CHP+ enrollment
All paid clinic providers and staff who deliver services directly to patients are bilingual.
“Tepeyac is not just a health clinic. They give you courses and advice according to your condition. It is important for people to know that they won’t only get treated for their condition here, but that they will also receive complete and comprehensive services in other areas as needed.”
Edubijes A. - Tepeyac patient
Who We Serve – 2021
Patients By Age
Patient Insurance Status
By the Numbers
12,617 Clinic Visit Appointments
3,767 Unduplicated Patients
4,472 Behavioral Health Appointments
3,066 Telehealth Clinic Visit Appointments
702 Health Education and Case Management Visits

Board Of Directors - 2021
Jim Garcia
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Pamela Valenza
Chief Health Officer
Dr. Linda Osterlund
Board President
Candy Hernandez
Board Treasurer / Consumer Member
Carlos Contreras
Assistant Board Treasurer / Consumer Member
Ludy Esperanza Chacon
Board Secretary / Consumer Member
Jaqueline Morales-Lozano
Assistant Board Secretary / Consumer member
Dr. Gilbert Vigil, DDS
Board Member
Yuvicela Garcia-Diaz
Consumer Member
Rita Toro
Consumer Member
Jesse Ogas
Co-Vice Chair
Dr. Harvey Bograd, MD
Co-Vice Chair
John Bauer Martinez
Board Member
Juana Maldonado
Consumer Member
Steve Chavez
Board Member
Dr. Samit Shah
Board Member
Individual Donors - 2021
Salvador Aceves
Alejandra Acosta
Jose and Magdalena Aguayo
Maria Aguilar
Dave Aguilera
Rosa Aguirre
Wendy Aiello
Audrey Alvarado
Christian Alvarez
JJ Ament
Catherine and Truman Anderson
Jeremy Anderson
Neal Anderson
Sarah Anderson
Bonita Angotti
Max and Elaine Appel
Justin Aragon
Larry Arneson
Noah Atencio and Diana Lopez-Atencio
Erin Atwell
Martha Awad
Rita Axford and Gary Grunwald
Patricia Baca
Ally Bailey and Matt McConville
Lisa Bailey
Taylor Bailey
Kathryn Ballinger
Maribel Barajas
Jessica and Steven Barbier
Polly and Miguel Barragan
Carolyn Bassett
John and Trudy Bauer-Martinez
Dillon Baynes
David Beal
Adam Becker-Hofnor
Christy Begien
Scott Bemis
Michael Benitez
Macky Bennett and Jeffrey Nathanson
Alan Best
Valerie Bobalek
Harvey and Katya Bograd
Michele Bograd
Marilou Bonavida
Beth Bourgeois
Jacqueline Bove
Kathy Boyle
Michelle Bradley
Angela Bricmont
Zach Britton
Eric Brody
John Brooks
Karen Brown
Liz Brown
Ginger Brunetti
Barb Bsptmhsnha
Jayne Buck
Amanda Buehrig
Milton Burleson
Susan Burleson
Ingrid Burnett
Lindsey Camacho
Braun Campbell
Drew Campbell
Alfredo Cardenas
Armandina Carrera
Mario and Irma Carrera
Margaret Cary
Joseph and Sally Casey
Juanita Chacon
Steve and Martine Chavez
Katherine Chrisman
Grant Christman
Maribel Cifuentes
Lorie Cisneros
Betsy and Steve Clark
Tracey Clark
Valerie Clausen
Zoe Clemmons
Kimberly Cleveland
Steve and Patti Coffin
Toby Cole
Frances Coleman
Amy Collier
Jennifer Collins
Jeannette Cooper
Dagoberto Cordova
Johnathan Cox
Jody Curl
Thomas Currigan
Don and Gilda Daboub
Jo Marie and George Dancik
Luz Daniels
Joanne Davidson
Efrain Davila
Thomas De Martino
Gina Del Castillo
Cynthia Delaney
Denise Delgado
Hope Demetriades
Daniel Diaz
Amy van den Dijssel
Christine Dimas
Maria dMora
Lisa Dokter
Larry Dominguez and Beverly Tafoya-Dominguez
Robert and Julie Donohue
Tyler Downs
Gail Duree
Peter Durst
Matt Dyer
Carl and Nancy Eklund
Nicolas Eliason
Linda Elliott
Kathleen Emerman
Amy Engelman
Mariana Enriquez
Natalia Enriquez
Kenneth Epstein
Marco Escamilla
Christopher Esker
Alexia Eslan
Cecelia Espenoza
Cynthia Evans
Elena Faulkner
Kimberly Fazekas
Adam Fedrid
Chris Fellenz
Steven and Debra Fendrich
Steven Fertig
Carla Ficke
Amy Fidelis
Ken Fieler
William Filter
Cathey M. Finlon
Cynthia Finter
Lee Fisher-Rosenberg
Mary Fitzpatrick
Michael Flemming
Andrea Flores
Ramona Flores
Mark Fogg
Barbara Fonda
Barbara Ford
Beth Fraitag
Tony Frank
Kim Frisch
Humberto Gaitan
Debra Gallegos
Shannon Gallegos
Nicholas Gallinaro
Jim Garcia and Gloria D. Padilla de Garcia
Socorro Garcia
Tony Garcia
Mica Garcia de Benavidez
Liz Gardner
Rod Geer
Helen Gibson
Pamela Gilbert
Sara Gilbert
Jerry Glick
Abby Goddard
Gayle Goetz
Kathryn Goggin
Donna Goldin-Evans
Felisa Gonzales
Cristina Gonzalez
Matthew and Marie Gordon
Nancy Grandys-Jones
Jennifer Green
Tim Griggs
Barbara Grogan
Jennifer Gross
Lloyd Guthrie
Jose Gutierrez
Seth Haber
Robert Haberkorn
Jennifer Hallam
Betty Ham
Dane and Andrea Harbaugh
Yvonne Harding
Kendra Harrison
Susan Heinzeroth
Peter Henson
Nayeli Hernandez
Florenci Hernandez Ramos
Meghan Herwehe
Paula Herzmark
Leonora Hill
Leslie Hilton
Blake Hines
Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
Preston and Marjorie Hofer
Sarah Hogan
Patty Holloway
Jill Hooper
Gordon Howie
Rachel Hubel
Patrick Huffer
William Huffer and Brooke Alt
John Hughes
Ken Hunrwe
Eric Hutchings
Donn Hutchins
Bill and Mary Frances Jaster
Robb and Gerry Jenkins
Sandra and Lynn Jessen
Lydia and John Jumonville
Anne Kalush
Diane Keeton
Russell Kemp
Tiana Kennedy
Janice Kercheville
Adeeb Khan
Kristin Kirkpatrick
Erich Kirshner
Brian Kitts
Kathryn Kladar
Gail Klapper
Jeff Krawcek
Brian Kurth
Lisa LaCarrubba
Jacqueline Lang
Eric Lazzari
Karen Leigh
Cheryl Lerner
Dan Levin
Doug Linkhart
Charles and Gretchen Lobitz
Harold and Ann Logan
Loretta Lohman
Terence Lohman
Figo Lopez
Manuel Lopez
Michelle Lopez
Diana Lopez-Atencio and Noah Atencio
Roberta LoPiccolo
Eugene Lucero
Nicholas Lumpkin
Jodi Lundin
Davinia Lyon
Deborah MacCary
Juan Macias
Nick and Kathleen Madsen
Shelly Madsen
Dave and Nilsa Mahon
Don Mares
Audrey Martinez
David Martinez
Judith Martinez
Richard Martinez
Erica Martini
Edward Mascolo
Edward McAuliffe
Leigh McAuliffe
Veronica McCaffrey
Jerry McElroy
Brownlee McKee and Robert Kirby
Shirley McNeil
Karen McNeil-Miller
Tana McNeil-Taylor
Judith Mears
Sophia Meharena
Thomas Merolla
Nancy and David Metzler
Kathryn and Eddie Meyer
Sarah Miley
Andrea Miller
David and Lisa Miller
Nicole Miller
William Miller
Henry Miranda
Brian Mitchell
Scott Mitchell
Stefan and Brenda Mokrohisky
Ronald and Naomi Montoya
Gary Moore and Jane Constain
Perry and Susie Moss
Jeffrey Nathanson and Macky Bennett
Cara Neth
Wayne and Pat Newsom
Sally O'Donnell
Amy and Kevin O'Leary
Flossie O’Leary and Scott Smith
Maura O'Leary
Jesse Ogas
Peg Oldham
Dirk and Deb Olson
Jeanne Orrben
Denise Ortega
Yolanda Ortega
Julio Ortiz
Renee Ortiz
Erik Osterlund
Linda Osterlund
Orlando Padilla
Steven Padilla
Katherine Pappa
Alexis Parker
Kate Paul
Mary Pellettier
Cindy and Federico Peña
Sister Lydia Peña
Christine Perreault
Teresa Phillips
Fred Pitroff
Kerri Platais
Caitlin Plotkin
Carly Plotkin
Leslie Plotkin
Gary and Lorena Poling
Cindy Prado-Gutierrez
Laurel Pramuk
Eric and Jeanne Price
Barbara Prowe
John Quinn
Alison Quinn-Beitscher
Melissa Quinteros
Lorii Rabinowitz
Sonia Rae
Karen Raforth
Julia Randall
George Redding
Alice Reich
Mark Reinking
Kathay Rennels
Mary Rhode
Marc Ringel
Tara Riseley
Jayme Ritchie
Tatiana Rivera
Kayla Ro
Linda Ro
Tracy Ro
Diana Roca
Maria Rodriguez
Linda Romero
Sarah Romero
Kristine Roper
Jeff and Trudy Rosler
Alfred Rossi
Sarah Rothwell
Katie Roush
Nancy Rozance
Benjamin Salazar
Ken Salazar and Hope Hernandez-Salazar
Andres Sanchez
Esperanza Sanchez
Rudy Sanchez
Jean Saul
Kevin Savory
Mike Sawaya
Nancy Sayre
Susan Scherer
Salvatore Schifano
Matthew Schroer
Jenny Schulte
Jonathan Schultz
Nancy Schultz-Koch
Catherine Schuster
Laura Schwinkendorf
Dan and Catherine Scott
Samit Shah
Julie Sharer-Price
Kathy Shaw
Scott Shaw
Robert Shedd
Anita Shen
Jennifer and Mark Shepard
Benzir Shrestha
Francis Sincere
Janice Sinden
Henry Sobanet
Barbara Springer
Michael Stanton
Marilyn Starrett
Alwin Steinmann
Laura Stenovec
Jason Stoddart
Anna Stout
Kristine Strain
Anne Streetman
Cori Streetman
Kim Streetman
Richard Streetman
Tyler Streetman
Rae Tafoya
Beverly Tafoya-Dominguez and Larry Dominguez
Jennifer Tarin
Sage Tauber
Marilyn Taylor
Theresa Taylor
Daranee Teng
Kellie Thompson
Mary Thompson
Scott and Karen Thompson
Shaun and Tamara Thompson
Mary Tierney
Steven Tobin
Nancy Tomb
Amalia Topete
Elaine Torres
Cecilia Torres Chavez
Estela Trejo
Bruce Trigg
Kate and Daniel Trujillo
Lorenzo Trujillo and Ellen Alires-Trujillo
Gilbert and Brenda Vasquez
Kathryn Venzor
Darrell Vigil
Aristeo Villalaz
Ann Vilsack
Long Vu
Judith Wagner
Patricia Wagner
Nancy Walsh
George Ware
Jennifer Watson
Kristin Weber
Derek Wendel
Cheryl Wenzinger
Donna Werner
Emily Wey
Sally White
Tim Wieland
John Wiener
Vicki Williamson
Betsy Winchester
Molly Wink
Karen Winkelman
Catherine Witt
Jenny Wood
Elena Wuchner
David Yetter
Paul Zamora
David Zucker
Mark Zuiderveen
Business & Organizational Donors - 2021
Abarca Family Fund
Advance Traffic Series
Agency for Human Rights & Community Partnership
Alpine Bank
American Pediatricians Vista
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation
Barton Family Foundation
Birches Foundation
Carie Freimuth and John Hughes Family Fund
Caring for Colorado Foundation
City and County of Denver
Citywide Banks
Colorado Access
Colorado Efficiency, LLC
The Colorado Health Access Fund
The Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Trust
Community First Foundation
Community Shares of Colorado
COPIC Insurance Company
CSU Spur
Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation
Denver Active 20-30 Childrens Foundation
Denver Foundation
Denver Integrated Spine Center
Denver Water
Denver7-The Denver Channel
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
The Dowling Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Fidelity Foundation
FirstBank, Lakewood
Fred Jaindl Foundation
Greenberg Traurig
Harper Hofer & Associates, LLC
Healthier Colorado
Jo Marie and George Dancik Charitable Fund
Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefits
Katcher Family Charitable Fund
Leevers Companies
MDC Richmond American Homes Foundation
Metro Volunteers- Minoru Yasul Program
Mile High United Way
Mission Yogurt
Monica Perez Enterprises, LLC
Most Precious Blood Catholic Community
MSU Denver Health Institute
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Nestle Purina
Olive AI
Optum Care Management
Paul Angell Foundation
Pacific Western Bank
The Public Good Projects
Quest Diagnostics
Ready Foods
The Recovery Foundation
The Regents of the University of Colorado
Regis University, Mission
Regis University, Rueckhert-Hartman College
Rose Medical Center
Saint Joseph Hospital
Saint Joseph Hospital Medical Staff
S.B Clark Companies
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sisters of St. Francis
Sonrisa Holding 3550 LLC
Tax Ops
TEGNA Foundation
Vargas Painting Company
Virsage Solutions
“I got involved with Tepeyac because as an educator I saw what happened to children and families who didn’t have adequate health care. From early on, Tepeyac has been meeting the needs of Latino families.”
Patricia Baca, PhD
Our 2021
$16,189,625.00 - Current Assets
$6,977,300.00 - PP&E, Net Long Term Assets
$9,937,539.00 - Other Assets
Total Assets - $33,104,464
$1,718,061.00 - Current Liabilities
$ 23,603,971.00 - Long-Term Liabilities
$1,829,118.00 - Philanthropy
$1,399,528.00 - Patient Revenue
$3,239,780.00 - Earned Income
$35,803.00 - Other Income
Total Liabilities - $25,322,032
Revenue - $6,504,229
$5,153,752.00 - Unrestricted
$2,628,680.00 - Designated
Net Assets - $7,782,432
$22,592,268 Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$4,009,433.00 - Program Services
$2,523,588.00 - Administration & General
$265,862.00 - Fundraising & New Clinic Project Costs
Expenditures - $6,798,883
$7,186,723 Beginning Net Assets | $7,782,432 Ending Net Assets
5071 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80216
(303) 458-5302
(303) 433-7452
4725 High St. Denver, CO 80216
(303) 458-5302
(303) 583-0152